my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, March 28, 2008


There is a certain stigma about spending your Friday evening at the gym. Let's face it, it implies that you have no social life. When I was not single I had no problem hitting the gym after work on a Friday, because I knew I had someone waiting for me at home. Therefore, I didn't care what my fellow worker-outers (and gym staff) thought about me. Now, that I in deed do not have someone waiting for me at home, I feel like a loser spending time out in public. Ironic that I would feel less like a loser spending Friday evening watching TV by myself. I suppose this is a confidence issue. Needless to say, I was super-excited when my friend Erin agreed to go to the gym with me this evening. First, we will get in a good hour of cardio and then we will reward ourselves by watching Sex in the City. A show that reminds us that we are truly stellar, alone or not!


Jen said...

I watched Don put in a new garbage disposal at my parent's house tonight and then we watched House Hunters on tv until he fell asleep and decided he needed to drive home. As much as I love him, I would have rather gone to the gym with you and then watch Sex and the City! Hopefully, we can do that together soon!

BrandyGirl said...

You are far from a loser! I hope Sex and the City did a good job of reminding you of your stellarness! I was there for 6am Body Pump and did not see Jennifer ;) Let me know when you'd like to go Sunday. We're going to the Quilt Center's grand opening at 1:30 (talk about loser-ville)and then we're off to see Horton. Maybe around 10am or so. Let me know and let me just say again that you're looking great!!!!!!