my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, January 9, 2009

Thirty Things before I'm Thirty

  1. Run a 10k
  2. Start a Bookclub
  3. Take Piano Lessons
  4. Get Contacts
  5. Renew my Teaching Certificate
  6. Buy Stock
  7. Whiten my Teeth
  8. Buy a Car
  9. Volunteer
  10. Plant a Garden
  11. Meet new People
  12. Try a new Recipe each Week
  13. Get up Earlier
  14. Paint Spare Room
  15. Create a Facebook Page
  16. Go to a Movie Alone
  17. Have a Garage Sale
  18. Take a Zumba class
  19. Lose 20 pounds
  20. Learn to wear Makeup
  21. Develop a Flossing Habit
  22. Buy Fresh Flowers Weekly
  23. Perfect my Cholesterol
  24. Organize Photos
  25. Try a new Restaurant each month
  26. Get a Passport
  27. Give Blood
  28. Read 5 Non-Fiction Books
  29. Take the LSAT
  30. Send Birthday Cards


Unknown said...

Hey I'll be in your new bookclub!!

Unknown said...

By the way this is Stephanie Kahler.

Jen said...

Wowzas! Quite the list, but I know you can do it!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have 30 things to list. Actually, I might have 30 things, but then my success rate would drop - I'm just not very good at completing lists like that. But, I know you are competitive enough to compete with yourself for completion, and that will probably equal success with everything on this list.