my journey to becoming a runner

Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Day

I celebrated this beautiful May Day by getting up at 9am and getting in a good workout. I ran/walked down to/through the park. It was a nice 67 degree day, with a light wind and the sun shinning. In my sixty minute workout I really only ran 20 minutes, but I got almost 4 miles in. My legs are sore from squats this week (apparently my body has gotten used to going three times a week and then last week I only went twice, and now I feel the squats again.) I am sure they will be even more sore later today. I am trying to get them stretched out as much as possible. I have tomorrow off from work, but get this: a high of 54, and possibly raining -- great. My goal is to get up at 6am and make it to BodyPump (I won't be able to go tonight). Then I need to stay for a half an hour of cardio. But at 7:30, I will be done with my workout and can come home and go back to bed for the day!

Now I need to get ready for work. I am hosting a Teen Karaoke Party tonight. I knew I would have no energy after that to hit the gym, so I am really proud of myself for getting up and out there this morning. I was thinking about giving myself today off from working out, but since this is the first day of May, I needed to start the month out right. Now for a nice hot shower...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you, not missing the first day of the month. We were going to talk about our goals for the month, remember? Maybe my goal should be just once a week go to the gym NOT for a class. I don't know. I'll have to think about it. Anyway, I have to get back to sequencing now.....