my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

So Sleepy

I didn't sleep well last night even though I was tired. I think I got about 3 to 4 hours of sleep, which is pretty low for me, since I try to get 8 hours every night. That didn't stop me from getting to BodyPump this evening. It seemed really hard, and really hot in the workout room. I was sweating through most of the workout. I let myself go easy on biceps this week (back to just a medium) because I have been doing a medium and a small for almost a month now. It was way too easy. So I guess that tells me something, even though the higher weight is so hard, I have improved some. I also have been working on doing the hovers on my toes. Generally, I have to go back to my knees, but I am trying to do more and more of it on my toes. Someday...

Jennifer mentioned, in Monday's comments section, that I am thinking about not going back to Combat. I suck at it. I'm not mean enough and don't punch hard enough and most of the time I am lost. I went back on Monday evening and they were mixing up the music. So I had no idea what I was doing again. Next week, I am going to stand in the back row. We'll see if I am better when I can't see myself. I just think: how many times can I go and be completely lost before I just decide, this isn't for me?

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