my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, May 23, 2008

My New Running Plan

As I mentioned on Wednesday: I have a new running plan. This is my goal: I want to be able to run one mile in ten minutes. I want to run two miles in twenty-two minutes (eleven minute miles). I am giving myself five weeks. I have devised a plan into a cute little chart (you know me and charts) but for some reason I can't import it into my blog. And it doesn't look as impressive if I just list my objectives. Basically here is how it will work... I will run three times per week. I will never have to run more than 25 minutes, so it leaves plenty of time for other things like the elliptical and stairclimber. There will be two parts to my plan, which I will alternate every other running session. I will work on speed by increasing my one mile run little by little starting at 12 minutes and working up to 10 minutes. I will increase my long distance speed (two miles is long enough for me) by increasing that starting at 25 minutes and working up to (or down to) 22. I will (of course) keep you posted!

Yesterday I made it to my last Thursday evening BodyPump class. I will begin working Thursday nights starting next week, so I won't be able to make it all summer. I am still thinking about ways to make three sessions a week. I am also contemplating hitting the actual weight room. I haven't tried that since before my BodyPump streak. I've never been able to work my muscles to fatigue with the machine weights, but things might be different now.


Anonymous said...

I'm sad I missed your last Thursday night Body Pump. I didn't realize it was the last one. I guess I might have to go with you in the morning sometime - wait, who is the instructor????

Anonymous said...

Ali... don't worry, it's not Jesse... should I put my Jesse story on here?

Anonymous said...

I think so - it's too funny not to