my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, May 9, 2008

A Long Day

I made it to my second (and last) BodyPump this morning at 6am. It was early, as always, but at least Jennifer went with me. It was hard to go home and get ready for work, without taking a nap. And I was exhausted the rest of the day. But I guess that's what you get. I used high weights on every track, since I was only able to get two sessions in this week. It's hard to exert that much energy that early in the morning, but I am glad I squeezed it in.

I did an excellent job of eating at this graduation party I went to this evening. I ate two bites of my mom's cake. And instead of eating the sandwich spread they had out with pointless white rolls and mayonnaise, I just ate the lunch meat. I allowed myself to splurge on chips and dip. It's better to eat a serving or two of someone else's junk food, than to buy it for myself. I managed to stay around 1200 calories today as well. My weight has maintained itself at the 15 pound mark for another day. I am insistent to keep it there until Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo to 6am body pump!