my journey to becoming a runner

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday Power

I was finally able to make it back to Ann's Saturday morning BodyPower class. I feel guilty for not going more often since I pushed so hard to get the class started. This was the first time that I didn't try to do something (run six miles, have a garage sale) before class. It always seemed that 10:20 was so late to take a class on Saturday morning. But it was perfect. I slept in until 9:30 (which I really deserved) and then prepared myself leisurely for a great class. I have really been keeping my weights high lately. I make myself use the large for back now. I am almost back to my heaviest weights on squats. I always use mediums and smalls for triceps, biceps and shoulders. This better start paying off.

Speaking of needing good arm muscles, Jen's wedding shower is tonight. I am hoping to look super cute in a new Summer dress I bought this spring. I don't have a lot of occasions to wear dresses so I am excited for a chance to look cute. In fact, I rarely have an occasion to wear anything but long sleeves and sweaters. They keep this whole world too cold.

I am hoping (cross your fingers) to head to Gold's later this afternoon for a run/walk cardio session. I have only worked out three hours as of now, and am leaving town for Father's day tomorrow. Maybe three hours at the gym is enough when you worked sixty hours at your job that week! Next week will be much better.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think a 60 hour work week should definitely be a reason to work out less. If you still did all that working AND made it to the gym your normal 7 hours, you might be dead. I haven't ever gone to the Saturday class - in fact I haven't been back since Marika left, well a little before actually... Maybe I should work on that - just not this week.