my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just Too Tired

Yesterday at work was exhausting. Sure we were busy, but there were no huge programs or anything out of the usual. but by 4:00 I was dead tired. At 5:00 when it was quitting time, I could barely keep my eyes open. The thought of struggling through two hours of class almost made me pass out. But I couldn't skip class. I never miss. Unless I have a family obligation or a health reason. So I called Jennifer for a pep-talk. If nobody is going to meet me at the gym anymore, the least they could do is encourage me to go. But Jennifer pointed out that maybe I needed a day off. Maybe this was my body's way of telling me to slow down. So I let myself bail on the classes. Good Luck getting eight hours in now. But I was able to sit around and read a little, take an hour nap, and relax while I watched TV. I'm glad that I gave myself a break. Although I wish I had burned 1000 calories anyway.

Then my mom called last night and said she had decided that she would be joining Gold's Gym too. You really can't pass up that deal they have right now. So I met her there at 9:30. It was busier than I have ever seen it! I thought that we'd be staying to work out, but apparently my mother had other ideas. We went through how to use all the equipment but didn't stay on any one thing for more than two minutes. So much for a work out there.

Today I am working an eleven hour day. I have a social engagement after-work, so I won't be working out then either. I am really falling behind on my new beefed up workout plan. Good news though: I have been eating well, and don't need to eat as much when I am not killing myself at the gym. Although handling 160 people during the library movie day should count for something!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I still say you called me so you would feel ok about missing the gym, not because you wanted to be motivated to go. It was probably good for you though, so even though I started by saying get your butt to the gym, by the end we agreed that a break every once in a while is a good thing - even for you. I hope you enjoyed your evening off, or almost off since you did end up at Gold's for your Mom's tour.