my journey to becoming a runner

Thursday, June 25, 2009

On My Way

I made it to the gym last night for both classes! And truly, I felt better during and after them than I had felt the rest of the day. I don't want to go as far as saying the classes invigorate me, that would be too cliche. But they definitely give me energy. And it's not the same as working out on my own. When I am running by myself my mind is free to think of all the work I need to be doing, all the customer/staff that angered me that day, and all the life problems I am not currently tackling. I am starting to feel the results of taking three BodyPower classes a week again. I have been able to keep my weight high enough to be sore all the time. It's great to be able to feel the results of class again. I think I had become a little complacent regarding increasing weight the last few months. But I am happy to announce that those days are over, and my huge muscles will be thanking me.

I've already got five hours of gym time for this week, which is something I haven't had on a Wednesday in a while. It makes it much easier to get up to eight hours this week. And since I have been eating like crap all week (blame my mom lack of nutrient food and my dad's over abundance of cake products) I am going to need those eight hours!

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