my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, June 19, 2009

Dumb Scale

I had a great week. The pounds just melted off. On Thursday morning I was down to a record breaking 5.5 pounds. If you remember, way back in September, my mom and I had a challenge to lose 12 pounds. There was no end date to this goal, and both of us have been lazy and unmotivated. But thanks to my other challenges I finally hit that weight on Thursday morning. My mom owes me $25! I think I will buy a new summer outfit with that; a sundress? new shorts? Capri's? Thursday I didn't eat as well as I could have. My super-long day at work, mixed with eat two dinners (one with Jennifer) and eating late, since I didn't get off work until 8:00, made the scale act differently this morning. Somehow I had jumped back up to 8.5 pounds. A three pound gain in a day. Wowza! Still, I am two pounds down from last Friday, and well on my way to my goal weight by August 1st goal!

Today I did much better with my eating. It really helps if I have small meals/snacks all day rather than a large breakfast and lunch. It's hard to do that for dinner though. I am working on having a social life again, and unfortunately this means eating. There's not a lot to do socially that doesn't involve food or drinks. I had plans for dinner that included going to Lazlo's! I tried to eat healthfully, but you can't avoid the fries. And this has kept me so busy, that I have no time to work out. Truthfully, I may have been happier having nothing to do on a Friday night and being able to go work out at the gym. But am I willing to be that person?

On a side note, my Internet seems to be malfunctioning at home. This has made it difficult for me to update regularly, and have even made an effort to go to the public library in my rare free time, to use their Internet!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sure that was just some temporary weight - it can't be a true 3 lb gain in a day, that's just impossible. Anyway, good work on winning the challenge with your mom!