my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool

Today my scale played an April Fool's joke on me: it went up two more pounds! Now I am even more convinced that Erin is right -- I could end up gaining ten pounds in a week, if I ate haphazardly. So instead, I am going to crack down on my eating. No more wasted calories; everything must have nutritional value. I am going to drink more water, work out harder, really limit myself. Why do I think I deserve cake? Margaritas? Deep Fried Mushrooms? Cookies in the break room? I am asking you all to help me, especially Jennifer (who I do most of my bad eating with). There are consequences to my bad choices. And it must stop. I am going to the grocery store this evening after BodyPump. I will buy some good stuff and get back on track. If you're eating with me: please make sure I am eating good things. If you are having a party: please don't offer me cake. If you invite me over for dinner: please don't pour me three glasses of wine. And if you're bored: please invite me to the gym and then challenge me to a race! I need help and that's why I have you guys!


Anonymous said...

I like how you said everything must have nutritional value and followed that with how you're going to drink more water.

I'm not sure it's my fault exactly that you eat bad things with me. Maybe it's just because you see hanging out with me as some kind of special occasion. Although I could be less of a bad influence or more of a good one, so I'll try to work on that. Just remember, sometimes you need that third glass of wine, and I'll be there to pour it.

Karrie said...

Water has it's own value (nutritional or not). I know it's hard to believe, but there are days when I don't drink 8 glasses. Generally I drink 8 glasses of diet soda those days -- that is a whole nother thing I don't want to think about giving up.
And hey- thanks for pouring being there and pouring the wine when I can't get the bottle up anymore!!