my journey to becoming a runner

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bronzed Beauty

I don't have a lot of vices. I don't smoke or do drugs. I don't drink a lot of alcohol and for the last year and a half I haven't eaten fries (mostly). But what I do do is tan. I love it. I love the warmth of the bed. I love the way I look when I am not pasty white. And although I realize it is addictive and horribly bad for me, I let myself do it. I always make myself wait until April 1st to start, even though it is hard sometimes. And I try not to over do it, I just don't want to be so ghostly when I put on that first pair of shorts. Who can deny that a nice tan makes you look sleeker and healthier. I understand the risks of tanning, but it just makes me so much happier. And it's my time to be happier again.

I have had a great week; a great weekend to be exact. I have eaten healthy, I have worked out almost four hours in the last two days; I have done everything I can to ensure a perfect weigh-in tomorrow morning. I saw my lowest weight yet this morning when I did a check, I just hope that it is still there (or lower) tomorrow. Boy am I sore though, from running on pavement yesterday, and taking three BodyPumps this week.

Here is my projected workout schedule for the week, please join me if you are free:
Monday - gym at 7:30
Tuesday - BP at 6:30, cardio at 7:30
Thursday - gym at 8:30
Friday - BP with Jen in Omaha?
Saturday - gym in am
Sunday - BP at 4:30


Unknown said...

for a sec I thought you had scheduled the gym every day and I was about to tell you that you need a day off, but then I saw Wed. so I guess instead I'll praise you on your commitment. Way to go Dave!

BrandyGirl said...

You know I'll see you tonight and probably Sat am for sure. I work till 4pm on Sun, so I might as well head over after that and do BP with you at 4:30. See you tonight! I hav strawberry shortcake I have to work off...yikes!

Jen said...

I wanted to comment on your tanning vice. I know I used to scold you for tanning and now I do it.... But I will say I feel so much better about my dimply fat when it's darker and less noticeable. I say as long as you're not overdoing it (like 20 minutes every other day) then it's not any worse than laying outside in the hot sun all summer long. Just don't get burned!