my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Change in Plans

Somehow I completely forgot that tonight was the Library's Annual Spelling Bee! Now this is not just some nerdy competition mind you, this is full-out fun. Since I forgot that it was tonight I packed my gym bag in order to make it to BodyPump this evening. When Erin reminded me that the Bee was this evening I was hesitant at first -- I really want to make it to three BPs this week. But, she has never been to the fun-filled event, and there is a possibility that it won't happen next year (the location in which is it usually held, is closing). So, we are forgoing gym time this evening to make it to the Spelling Bee. This does not mean that I will be slacking. In fact, this means I will be up at 5:30am so I can make the Wednesday morning Bodypump. Erin agreed to come too, seeing as she has a lot of time to sleep afterwards!!

Not only will the Spelling Bee prevent me from getting to the gym, it is going to dangle good-greasy food right in front of me. I wonder if I should try not to eat, and then have something when I get home. Or should I try to get the healthiest thing there (probably a grilled chicken sandwich, and still really high in calories)? That's always a dilemma. If I eat at home things go so well. Even if I go to Subway or Arby's I know how to make perfect selections. But as soon as I broaden my horizons and eat somewhere out of the ordinary, everything goes to hell! Oh well, Spelling is F-U-N!

In other changes, I am not going to make the trip up to Omaha to attend Jen's BodyPump class. She has to work that afternoon so I won't be able to hang out with her. And with the price of gas, that is a long drive just to work out. I suppose I will attend Saturday morning BP like usual. What I am saying is: the schedule I posted Sunday might be a little off. But I am sure I will see you people at the gym sometime!


BrandyGirl said...

My plan for Wed was morning cardio and BP, so I'll see you there!

Unknown said...

What do you mean you know what to eat that's healthy at Arby's?? You never want to go there, now I wonder if it's because you secretly eat there all the time without me. I think you meant to say Wendy's instead of Arby's.

Why won't your blog let me sign in as just a name anymore? I don't like that - is there something you can fix?

Karrie said...

Just because I know what to eat at Arby's doesn't mean I like going there. It's a waste of money for that stupid little roast beef. When what I really want is the chicken fingers. Yes, I probably should have said Wendy's; I enjoy there healthy food!

Unknown said...

you didn't comment about my posting problems.... I'll assume this means you are investigating them, not ignoring them.

Karrie said...

I didn't change anything posting-wise, so I assume it is a blogger change, not something I am in charge of.