my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, March 27, 2009

Surrounded by Old People

Today's Running Goal: 2 miles (which nobody said should be faster than last week, but I just assume it should be, or why regress to two miles?)
Accomplished: 2 miles in 26 minutes (not at all faster, in fact much slower than last week).
This was so difficult. I had to take three drink breaks; I thought I was going to pass out; I wanted to quit several times, but I persevered. I don't know if it was the fact that it was in the morning before I get my energy levels built up, or if it was because the gym was 100 degrees, or because I was surrounded by old people watching The Price is Right. It doesn't matter, I finished, but very slowly. Truthfully, I was running between a 12 minute- mile and a 12:30 minute-mile, but it was all the breaks that lowered my time to what appears to be a 13 minute mile. Perhaps it was the fact that I was tying to run a 12 minute mile that got me so worn out. I just felt like I was sprinting at a 4.6 level. Better next week.

Tomorrow I have to work, but I am getting up super-early to make it to Yoga. That is actually the best class I can imagine taking before I go to work. I won't sweat, so it won't matter that I can't shower between gym and work. And it gets over at 9:10, which puts me to work by 9:20, which just means my lunch break will be 15 minutes shorter than normal. But who really needs an hour for lunch if you don't have plans? I'll be at seven hours after yoga is over tomorrow, but I still have a run scheduled for Sunday night. As long as it's not too cold when I get off of work, I will head over to my mom's house to run three miles with Hannah. I'm a little hesitant about how I am going to get that many miles done, but I am excited too, because I haven't done it since the end of January. And it's time to prove to myself again that I can do it!

1 comment:

jennifer said...

You didn't mention how I was there to enjoy the Price is Right with you and the old people. And I'm pretty sure that the reason running was so hard was the heat - I only ran 1 mile and I practically sweat halfway down the front of my shirt.