my journey to becoming a runner

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Marika had something work related to do in Omaha tonight so she had to have subs teach her classes. First, Katie taught the kickboxing class, which was a disappointment, since I thought that I would never have to do her Turbo Kick program again. However, I didn't mind it so much. The last few weeks have seen easy during kickboxing, and I didn't feel like I had sweat as much as I used to. So taking Katie's totally spastic, jumping in chaotic fashion class, really got my heart rate up again and the sweat dripping off of me. What's even better though, Mary subbed for BodyPower. It has been so long since I had Mary as a teacher. And I loved every minute of it. My two challenge members, who both skipped the gym this evening, really missed out! She told her quirky little stories, she made her staining little faces, she had as tough of time doing lunges as I did. She even came up and hugged me as we were putting away our bars and weights. I miss Mary so much; I really hope she gets put in charge of the Saturday morning class that they are starting for me. It would be even better if she brought he friend Ryan along!

I had a good day of eating, two hours of working out and now I am going to get eight hours of sleep. Things are looking up!


Erin said...

I'm especially bummed that I missed class now, more so since my other plans didn't even work out! I really hope Mary teaches the Saturday class too!

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed I missed Mary - but what if having her again makes me sad to have Marika? I don't know if I want to be reminded of the greatness we used to have. I'm happy with our classes because I thought they would be taken away forever and then they weren't. But if I'm reminded of the past, I might not like the available classes as much.

I did try to see how many pushups I could do that night, and when I got to 10 I quit. I think I might have been able to do a couple more, but reaching 10 was a surprise because I thought I could probably only do like 7, so I stopped when I hit 10. I am wondering now if the pushups are what caused my neck/shoulders to be sore for the last few days. Hopefully the soreness will be gone by Saturday morning so I can perform at my best for the fitness test.

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