my journey to becoming a runner

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Four Miles All Alone

Today's Running Goal: 4 miles
Accomplished: 4 miles in 49:10 (12:16 minute miles)
When I ran my first mile Curtis was there to celebrate with me (all the way to Blue Sky). When I made it through my first 5k, Curtis, Jennifer and my mom were there to cheer me on. During my next two 5ks I had friends running with me and waiting at the finish line. Even last week when I finally made it past three miles to three-point-five, Brandy was there to give me a high-five. But this morning when I made it four miles... I was all alone. I had planned on doing the run with Hannah this evening after work. But I thought to myself I would rather get up early, and be proud of myself all day, then wait until after work and dread it all afternoon. So now I am pretty proud of myself. I am most amazed that I kept up that 12-minute-mile pace (well almost) with the crazy wind gusts that were blowing, and the hilly neighborhood that I live in. Honestly I was no more tired after four miles than I was after the first half-mile. I wasn't breathing any heavier or more sweaty (the wind helped). Now my legs are super-tired and I could tell that they were wearing out more than my lungs were. I have been waiting for this day to come!

Another good week with seven hours of working out. I was able to pass a huge milestone. And yet no progress on my weight. It has been the same all week except for a day when it went up two pounds. Nothing I do today will push it down. Although I did attend a celebration/work event and get away with only eating three bites of cheesecake and some fruits and vegetables. I am planning to have dinner at Subway with my mom. It might just happen that the scale will be nice tomorrow morning. Either way I know that I am a super-star!


Jen said...

Way to be! I haven't been able to run since Wednesday because my hip has been sore... I think all the pounding on the cement I did last week bothered it. Hopefully someday we'll be at the same place with running and get to do it together!

Jennifer said...

What a great accomplishment! Soon you'll be on to 6 miles.... Congrats on the work it has taken to get this far and good luck on the rest.