my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Excellent News

Today I found out that the third BodyPower class is officially coming to Goodyear. I believe that it begins a week from Saturday, which of course I have to work, but at least it will be here soon. Ann is going to teach it and it will be from 10:20-11:20 every Saturday. It seems kind of late, seeing as the day will be half over before I get home and showered and ready. But on the other hand it will allow me to sleep in on Saturdays and still make it to class. Or I could get up early and go for CardioBlast which is right before it. Or if I wanted to run I could go and do that before weight lifting. If I was really motivated I could take Yoga, CardioBlast and BodyPower all in a row. What a way to get a lot of working out done in one day. Either way, I am excited that there will be a chance for me to get three weight lifting sessions in again. I feel like now I might be able to get my weights up to what they were last year, and really get my muscles in their best possible shape. Just in time for summer and those upcoming weddings!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can't wait to pump with you on Saturday mornings! Or I guess I should say power with you, since we're at GFC. Anyway, it's still great news - hopefully enough people will go that they don't try to cancel it.