my journey to becoming a runner

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cardio Blast

This morning I met my friend Vern, remember Vern, for a new class. Well, a new class for me, Vern has been taking it for a year now. It's called Cardio Blast. Every time I asked people what it was, nobody really had an answer. So I was hesitant to take it. But I promised him I would. Technically I said I would try that if he tried Yoga. He didn't make it for Yoga, but I stayed anyway. It was definitely interesting. And really I can't describe it. The teacher rotates every week (there's three of them). Sometimes the class is Step, sometimes it's Kickboxing, but overall, people describe it as "Boot Camp." The first 15 minutes was kickboxing, but not to the difficulty of Marika's class. The second 15 minutes was more boot-camp-ish. We ran relay races, with hand weights, and I was so exhausted I thought that I might pass out. This was also my least favorite part of the class, because it reminded me of Jr. High PE. And that is a time and place I never want to go back to. Turns out though, I was the most fit of everyone in the class, so it wasn't so bad. The third 15 minutes was using hand-weights, and our own body weight to do muscle sculpting: leg lifts, shoulder presses, squats, etc... And the final 15 minutes was abs and cool down. I guess I would go again. It worked out nicely that it was right after Yoga, and I was already there. I would go more often if they added that third BodyPower class of the week they promised me. However, this class has cut into my running routine. I haven't been able to get my two mile run done on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. And it's looking like the weather for tomorrow is going to keep me from doing 3.5 miles outside with Hannah. So I think my plan is back everything up a bit. I will do the two mile run at the gym on Sunday, and get the 3.5 mile done later this week (Tuesday?) when the sun is back out and winter is officially over.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I suppose I could do those classes Saturday morning.... I just don't like new things. Plus I haven't really heard good things about one of the instructors - but I guess if we're there for yoga anyway, we could see who the instructor was and decide whether or not we wanted to take it or go use other equipment. Or maybe we could give him a try... it doesn't look good since nobody says anything good about him, but maybe they're all wrong or at least over critical and maybe it's not a half bad class anyway. Good for you for keeping your end of the deal even though Vern was late to yoga.