my journey to becoming a runner

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Why Do I Love Cake?

I had some good goals for today, but they all seemed to go down the drain as the day went on. I had intended to be at the gym at 9am this morning. But after staying up until almost 2:00, it was too difficult to get out of bed when my alarm went off. I couldn't go any later because I was invited to Logan's and Alexis's birthday party. That started at 11:00 and although I had told Jennifer I didn't want to eat any cake, I still did. It was a really small piece, only 5 bites, but still, cake is cake. After I let myself sleep in I told myself I would go to the gym in the afternoon. But after attending the children's birthday party, and having to keep up with all those kids I was exhausted. So I went home and took a short nap. Since I had no plans this evening, I figured I could work out later. But then, my mom called and invited me to a sports bar to watch the Husker game with her. I went. So much for the workout. And I ate french fries. I did absolutely nothing healthy today. I ate crap, and I didn't even burn any of it off. Now, I am going to sleep some more until I can get up tomorrow and start fresh.


Jen said...

I had a similar day... one that ended in me eating more creamy pasta for dinner! Not good! And no gym!

Anonymous said...

at least you didn't have the ice cream AND cake - you do have some self control

Anonymous said...

Not really... I don't even like vanilla ice cream! And there's nothing I hate more than when Ice cream touches my cake and ruins that!