my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, September 19, 2008


It was an absolutely beautiful day and I had it off! (I work this weekend). So I had planned on moving my 5k run from Sunday to today. But, I really wanted to take advantage of the great weather. I wanted to do some running outside on the trail or perhaps take a long bike ride. The weather girl said this would be the last summery weekend. But I really needed to spend some time in the gym, where I could gage my progress and ensure my training was going as planned. I have begun to dread my runs at the gym... it takes me hours to drag myself there. I seem to find hundreds of things I should be doing at home instead. None the less, I ran the 5k inside; today's goal was 5.0mph. Everything went pretty well. I even felt like I could go a bit faster, so I tried at one point. I got a small pain then, so I slowed back to the 12-minute mile goal. It took me 38:25 even though I had rearranged my walking songs (put shorter ones in) and was running slightly faster than last time. I guess improving 5 seconds is still an improvement. I am just expecting bigger improvements each week. How am I ever going to get down to 36-37 minutes?

I am doing really swell with my eat-well plan. It helps that I am also on this budget diet. Jennifer is out of town with her family all weekend, and I have plans with some other friends this evening. Instead of going out to dinner and spending lots of money and calories, I am making Turkey Burgers and serving grapes! I was down another pound this morning, which really helps motivate me. If I see results I am determined to keep going. Now I am hoping to have a good weekend and possibly be down a total of three pounds this week!


Anonymous said...

You seem to be making a lot of training goals without me. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up on race day. Guess I'll have to get back to the gym soon to see your results and test them on myself. I just hate treadmill running so much. On the trip, we had GPS for driving around Houston, and it was amazing to see how far 0.2 miles is, cause when you're driving (even if it's only at 35mph) 0.2 miles seems like nothing, but I kept having visions of waiting for the numbers to change on a treadmill and I can't believe the distance is the same.

Anonymous said...

You seem to be making a lot of training goals without me. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up on race day. Guess I'll have to get back to the gym soon to see your results and test them on myself. I just hate treadmill running so much. On the trip, we had GPS for driving around Houston, and it was amazing to see how far 0.2 miles is, cause when you're driving (even if it's only at 35mph) 0.2 miles seems like nothing, but I kept having visions of waiting for the numbers to change on a treadmill and I can't believe the distance is the same.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I accidently double clicked because my mouse slipped, and apparently that posts the same entry twice - who knew!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I thought that I had three brandh new comments!!!
Still, thanks for getting back up to speed on the comments.
As far as making new training goals without you? NO. I gave you the calendar 5 weeks ago. I am just staying up on the weekly runs, and you just come in whenever possible. We (and by that I mean you) really need to practice a 5k inside at the new rate. Although, I am sure you'll be able to keep up, you won't want me to be beating you! And we'll need to get the new songs on your mix too!