my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Good Stuff

Today is my 200th post! Think of how far I have come in the last 200 entries: I've lost about 15 pounds, run a 5k, am training for another, survived a personal breakdown, almost quit my job a few times but didn't and worked out a TON! Well, on top of all of that good stuff, I am feeling really good after last night's workout. I went to Goodyear and bought a 15-visit punch card for $60. I asked if Jennifer and I could share it and the guy at the desk said Yes (good stuff #1). Then he let us in without punching it for that visit, an $8 value (good stuff #2). I saw that the gym had made changes to it's class schedule, but they have added more classes and teachers and now they are at great times for me (good stuff #3). Marika, who will be teaching classes starting next week, was taking the classes last night. She had gone to the Body Power class and was hanging around waiting for the Kickboxing class when I asked her: So are you gonna teach the BodyPump we know and love or teach that thing you just had to witness? She confirmed what I hoped was true: she will be teaching the old way, where you actually build muscles and sweat and don't waste your hour learning about the instructor's remodeling projects (good stuff #4). Then we did kickboxing and again, it rocked (good stuff #5). I need to remember to bring a towel, or find out if I can borrow the ones at the desk, because even with shorts and a tank top, sweat was dripping to the floor. Last night, instead of Combat tracks, we did Turbo tracks. What this appears to mean is: we do Kickboxing for a while and then out of the blue this siren starts to sound (Mickey's anyone?). At that moment, you have to stop what you're doing, which is sure to be plenty hard, and start doing this super-hard high-intensity 2-minute turbo track. Then you resume your normal routine. Although it was a little annoying to stop what I was doing, it was kind of fun. And of course the music was super-good. Then I went to bed early and got over eight hours of sleep (good stuff #6). Oh yeah, and as of this morning, I had lost another pound (good stuff #7).


Anonymous said...

That's a lot of good stuff - I seriously laughed out loud when you compared combat to Mickey's. Now when that happens, I'll probably laugh in the middle of class and fall on my face or something, so watch for that.

Anonymous said...

Happy 200th post, although why does it say 199 by the 2008 heading on the left of your blog, does that mean 199 archived plus the newest one or something?

Karrie said...

hmmm... good question. On the page where I look at all my posts it said I had 199 before I made this one. I wonder if I started one and never posted it, so the count is off. Maybe tomorrow will be the 200th... either way, it's soon.

Jen said...

That was a lot of good stuff to process. Sounds like it was a good day! I hope to have some of those soon!