my journey to becoming a runner

Thursday, September 18, 2008

This Week

Tuesday evening the only thing I had planned was working out. It's nice to have no other obligations but myself. Then, out of nowhere, this girl at work invited me out to have margaritas. She never invites me to do things (well, actually she hypothetically invites me to do lots of things, but never concretely) so I had to take her up on in. And let's face it, when have I ever turned down margaritas? She was getting off of work at 8:00 and wanted to meet at 8:15. I obviously knew that I wouldn't be going to the gym after drinking, so I had to go in between work at drinks. So I rushed home and had a small chicken burrito (with left overs I had in the house). Then I went to the gym with the intention of running sprint intervals. After just one minute I had a shooting pain in my stomach. I must have run too close to eating, or eaten too fast. So I knew that running was out of the question. I still filled the hour by walking hills and using that AMT machine. As I worked out I watched The Biggest Loser on TV. It's a great show to watch at the gym: inspirational, and on a network I don't get at home! I was almost crying though at several points. That's a little embarrassing at the gym!

I took Wednesday off from working out, seeing as it is my 10 hour day at work. Then today I was off at 2pm. I meant to get to the gym right away. But I didn't... before I knew it, it was already 7:00 this evening. Since I still had an hour of light, I decided to go outside and run hills. I haven't done that in two weeks, and even then it was pure failure (remember the broken toe and the rain?). So it was a good choice. I ran down really fast (8mph) four times and walked back up. It's a good quick workout, but seems to really do good things. As I ran, I listened to downloaded BodyPump songs. It made me so happy, because next week Marika is going to give me something I thought I would never get back. Boy are my muscles going to be happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw part of the biggest loser as Ryan was doing his homework... That chick is really mean to the people, I mean I guess people need wake up calls, but it seems like a little much when someone keeps going until they fall off the treadmill. I also thought the green team shouldn't have been sent home - that woman was the smallest by far to start with, so of course she didn't lose as much as the other women. I was only half watching, but I never really saw them mention that. Also, I saw some kind of ad for a "look where the green team is now, after training at home" segment, which I somehow missed also. Maybe it was a plug for their website - do you know anything about it??? I'd like to see if that team was motivated enough to keep working on it, or if the return to real life made it too hard. Let me know.