my journey to becoming a runner

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday Plans

Today I am working 8-2, remember this was supposed to be my afternoon to get off early to make it to Combat and Pump. But alas, I will just go to the gym and do my own thing. It's a nice shift to work. I can still get to the gym and workout, go home a take a nap and be done by the time I would normally get off of work.

So my goal today is running speed intervals. The last time I did it, I ran at a 10-minute mile pace. My goal was to do it ten times, but after 9 times I hit the emergency stop button. So I just gave up. My goal today is to do it all ten times. It is pretty hard for me to run that fast, and I really do need that walking break every other minute. My hope is that eventually, it won't be that hard, and instead of a walking break, I could take a slow jog break! I mean it's only 20 minutes, I can do almost anything for 20 minutes. Maybe I should try it today, just the first few breaks would be an improvement. I am pretty motivated right now, because Jen is able to run 5 miles without quitting, and that is just so impressive! After that, I hope to use the AMT machine. It seems to be pretty popular, so I am not always able to get on one. But this afternoon should be prime time for such an event. I really should head up to the weight room after all that. My muscles have recovered from Monday's classes, so I need to do something to keep that up. But I am dreading it.

Since I have been at my mom's house for the last three days (dog-sitting) I haven't been able to weigh myself. I am going through withdraw... I can't wait until tomorrow morning when I can get back on my scale. I think I've been doing pretty well though! This not eating out is helping, although it is a bit boring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What, no new update? How were the intervals??? I guess you can't do much when the internet isn't working. I wonder what service we use here, because it has been fine all day. Too bad, maybe if it wasn't working, I could just go home. Although I'm sure there's lots I can do without a computer.