my journey to becoming a runner

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Better than Ever

Today's Running Goal: Run 3.1 miles at 5.1 mphs (that's 11:45 miles).
What I did: Ran 3.1 miles in 38:18 (seven seconds faster)
Today's run was just hard, really hard. The 5.1 felt really difficult for the first 1.5 miles. Then after my walk break it was slightly easier to maintain. Jennifer ran with me this evening, which made it a treat. She kept up just fine even though she hasn't run the 5k practice day in a few weeks. It's hard to believe that there is only one more practice a week from Sunday and then the big day. I might skip a few of the hill/sprint days I have scheduled just to get another 5k practice in. I would also like to try to run further than 3.1 miles at an easier pace. We arrive in Atlanta on Thursday evening (two weeks from today). I am hoping we can get there early enough that we can practice with Amy on the course. Friday we should take the day off to rest and then Saturday morning brings the actual race. I'm getting kind of excited. Like I actually trained for this one. And I know I am going to have a better time, even if it isn't the 37 minutes I was hoping for!

I would like Amy to comment on how her training is going! Are you getting any closer to your 11-minute mile goals? Are you ready for this event? I suppose it's time we register.


Anonymous said...

Amy here, and the only thing I have to say is: what training?? I'll be able to run it, but it will be as slow as ever. Plus we need to sign up before Oct. 8 or something like that. Whee!

Anonymous said...

I'm like a running pro you know. I don't need no stinkin training - unless of course you start running without any walking breaks, then I would be totally screwed. Actually, it was pretty hard to run at the gym, I had to struggle to finish, but that seems to always happen to me if I try to run on a treadmill. Hopefully the outdoor environment and the excitement of the race will do great things for us!