my journey to becoming a runner

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My New Food Journal

Remember when I was on a quest to find a new online site that I could use as a food journal? Well, I tried several, all of which I hated. So I went back to writing it all down in a notebook. But I soon discovered that I could just not keep up with it. I have to be able to write down everything I eat as soon as it happens. Just carry the notebook with you, you are telling me right now. But that is easier said than done. I already have tons of things to carry back and forth to work; I don't need more. And then just when I thought that I was out of ideas, a great one came to me. What if I started my own online food journal. What I hate most about all those options out there is their complexity. So I could make up a simple one; one that has just the things I am interested in. Essentially it will be a blank notebook page that I can fill in electronically, online, all the time! So I have started a new blog: Karrie's Food Journal. Currently I have it set to private, because who needs to know what I eat besides me; who cares? But maybe allowing the whole world to see what I eat, would make me more accurate and more responsible for what I put in my mouth. For example, the two margaritas I drank last night, I counted as 500 calories. But if you were able to comment, you might say: Karrie, you know there are way more calories in a margarita than that. Or after you have lunch with me, you can say: Karrie, get real, you ate way more chips than that. Maybe that is why I don't want to make it available to all of you... you keep me too honest!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't they say it's more about thinking about what you're eating rather than the exact number of calories you consume??? At least that makes sense to me.