my journey to becoming a runner

Sunday, August 31, 2008


This has been a really bad week for me. The lack of classes is ruining my determination. Generally, Jennifer and I would have headed to BodyPump on Saturday morning at 9am. Then, if I was lucky, I could convince her to stay for 30 minutes to an hour for cardio. We'd go have bagels afterward, and be ready for the day by 12. This Saturday, I woke up around 10:20, spent some time looking at the Internet and watching Michelle Obama's Convention speech. I waited for Jennifer to spend some time talking to her mom. Finally, we were ready to go to the gym at about 11:45, when we realize that we're hungry and can't wait until after we workout. So we go to lunch, do a little shopping/returning, etc... Needless to say, we never made it to the gym. Today I was determined to go, but never did. I did mow my mother's lawn for about 1.25 hours. I sweated a lot, but that might just have been because it was so hot out. I still considered it my cardio for the day, and she paid me. So I found my dream: getting paid to workout! Overall, I have just been lazy the last few days. It has been pretty hot; not having AC in my car wears me out. I feel super guilty, but sometimes you just need to take a little time off. I say it all the time, but I am going to start fresh tomorrow. I have the day off, for Labor day, and I plan on getting up early (9ish) and getting a great start to a new me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't I get a little credit for trying to make us go to the gym??? How I wouldn't agree to going to lunch unless we had a plan in place for when we would go to the gym?? Even though it didn't really work out, at least I wasn't spending the day trying to talk you out of going - which isn't beyond possibility.