my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Up and At 'Em

Jennifer and I pealed ourselves out of bed this morning to go for a nice (and I mean that term loosely) 30 minute run. We were assigned to run speed intervals today. I was a tad worried about doing them outside, as opposed to on the treadmill where I could see hoe fast I was going. But it worked out smashingly. I ran faster outside than I would have inside. And the outdoor surroundings gave us something to run towards. We warmed up for 5 minutes, alternated running (pretty fast: 10mph) and walking (pretty slow) for 20 minutes and then walked home for 5 minutes. In those 20 minutes we went about 1.75 miles and averaged a little over 12 minute miles (which is what we did in the race). It makes it a lot easier to go fast when you know it will be over in a minute. And outside we had the benefit (torture?) of hills. I'm proud of Jennifer for getting up and going with me this morning. I wouldn't have gone if she hadn't said okay. (Don't tell her that though!) I am giving her a gold star for today's workout even though she won't be completing the lifting weight portion of today's goals. Maybe she can lift Logan a few times instead. The best part of it all was that I only set my alarm 20 minutes earlier than usual. I just knew I had something to do and got it in before it was time to get ready for work.

After work I am meeting Brandy at the gym. I love all these workout dates! I hope to do another 30 minutes of cardio, perhaps the AMT machine. Then I plan to head up to the weight room. Tonight is not the time to try the big-men's weight area, after work is always busy. I will go in there some Saturday morning when it's dead or maybe late at night with a friend. Tonight I just want to do what I did last time: 3 sets of 10 at the same weights. Maybe Saturday I will go over to Goodyear Fitness Center and see what they have to say. It's nice to think classes are within my reach.


Anonymous said...

I pretty much knew you could be talked out of the run this morning, but if I had suggested it I would have felt bad since I promised you I would go yesterday. So I just said OK - see you there. Maybe we should make a habit of it. Although with needing to leave early for the open house on Thursday and with a presentation on Friday, I need to be at work by 8:45 the rest of this week, so let me know if that works with you. I think a regular morning workout could do a lot as far as motivation if we can see improvement, at least until it gets too cold and dark out in the morning. I do like that the workout takes as long as the transport to and from the gym would have - that gym time warp is one of the worst parts. Anyway, let me know. What have you done to me? I'm suggesting getting up early on a regular basis...... that's just wrong.

Anonymous said...

Let's do it Wednesday and Friday! I have to be at work by 8 on Thursday, who wants to be up that early? Wednesday we'll do hills, that will be fun with someone else. And Friday maybe we could go for a bike ride; if my knee is better.