my journey to becoming a runner

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Harder than it Looks

Today I finally got to start on my running plan. You know, the running plan that I was excited to start but haven't actually figured out yet. What I was most looking forward to was running downhill. I have read several websites that claim by running downhill you teach your body how to run faster. You take longer strides and use your fast twitch muscles; two things very important for creating speed. Apparently you also build better quad muscles by going against gravity more than you would on a normal flat surface. Since running downhill is always the best part of any outdoor session, I was really excited to learn of its benefits. As I mentioned, I have a great hill just five minutes from my house. It is .25 miles long and pretty steep. My plan was to run down and walk back up (I had originally thought I could jog back up until I remembered how steep and difficult it was). I planned on doing this run-down/walk-up routine 4 times, giving me a two mile workout. However, It was harder than it looks. I ran downhill super-fast; 8-minute miles according to my IPod (which gets less and less accurate as I get faster). Then I walked up the hill. I turned around and did that combo three times. By the third one my legs were shaking. I was breathing hard and sweating a lot, but it was my legs that gave out first. This has never happened before; generally it is my lungs that collapse (or possibly my side-ache) way before my legs get tired. So I figure this is exactly what is supposed to happen. My leg muscles are being built up and my stride is being lengthened. One website claimed I would be able to run faster after just one hill workout. I doubt that but I am eager to try the hills again and see if I can make it four times.

Unfortunately my workout only lasted 30 minutes this morning. And then I was hot and sweaty and just went home. I could have walked along the trail for another 30, but when I am walking outside, I hardly get a good workout. So I called it a day and went home to watch more Olympics!

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