my journey to becoming a runner

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Will I Ever get to Run?

Ever since I decided I was going to train for this 5k run in Atlanta I have been eager to get out there and better my times. I read online that the best way to increase speend (besides just getting better at running in general, and losing weight) is to sprint down hill and then jog back up slowly. I love running downhill, it's almost like you're not even running. And I have one bitch-of-a-hill near my house. So I can't wait to try this. I had wanted to attempt it on Monday, but Combat was enough cardio for me for one day. Then I had wanted to do it after Pump on Tuesday, but Jennifer and I went out for dinner and then we were too full to try any high-speed running. Finally, I thought that I would get to try this morning; I didn't work until noon and it was beautiful weather. But I didn't. I wasted time around my house until it was too late to workout. Now tonight I will be at a Saltdogs game (for work) until at least 10pm. I know I am not going to come home and try it. I am really excited to see if I can run as much as I think. The hill is .25 of a mile long, so if I run down and jog back up 4 times I will have done two miles. I guess I will just have to wait and do it tomorrow morning.

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