my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, July 11, 2008

I Rock!

I have accomplished my workout goals for the last two days in a row. Last night I drug my tired-self to the gym after work. Although I was very gung-ho about it at 6:00, I was much more reluctant by 9pm. When we were walking to our cars Kelley told me she had to go to her other job still. I said that I was going to the gym so we could feel sorry for each other. It was a nice motivation to know she wasn't going home to sit on her couch either. It was far too muggy and too dark to do anything outside. So watching TV at the gym was a nice alternative. I walked steep hills for an entire hour. Now that's definitely something that could strain my back. I will have to watch that. Then today I made it to the gym for BodyPump and an hour of cardio.

Tonight Brandy is having us over for some games and cocktails. I have been eating lightly all day so I can partake in the snacks and drinks. And with my newly added 400 extra calories per day, I should definitely be able to enjoy. Tomorrow is Launch Day for all fitness classes at the gym. I had considered taking the 8am Combat class. I have to work, but getting done with class at 9 would make it possible for me to get to work before 10. However, I doubt I will feel like getting up that early, plus I have never tried to work a full day after Combat. So I think I will stick to my plan of taking tomorrow off from working out. I only have to workout for one hour on Sunday, and I think I will save that for an afternoon BodyPump class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You foreshadowed your back pain - how come you didn't mention this to me when you said your back was sore at work today? All you blamed was lifting the boxes.

Good work on reaching your goals!