my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Book Review

I recently read the book "Such a Pretty Fat" by Jen Lancaster. It is her personal memoir of weight-loss. It sort of reminds me of my workout blog and makes me think how hip and trendy we all are! Erin had mentioned that she was going to talk about it on her blog, but I have been waiting for her to review it and she still hasn't. So I am going to say a few things about it and then she can add whatever she wants. Overall, it's not the greatest book and I wouldn't say that you all need to rush out and read it. But it's not a bad read if you're looking for something. It's like Chick-lit meets biography. And I really love memoirs, so it seems like something I would pick up. It describes Jen aversion to working out, how much she enjoys food an the emotional issues she has to deal with in order to overcome her eating problems (disorder?).

Some things I loved about it:
- She goes to a weight watcher's meeting and everyone there is bitching about the office cake. I can so relate to this, seeing as break room food is one of my biggest obstacles. However, she hates how the WW leaders encourage people who boycott office parties, or skip the cake and in privacy later throw it away and spread dish soap on it so it doesn't tempt them. Jen's thinking is: if you don't teach me how to deal with these type of things in a normal way, then I will never be okay with my food issues. Does this remind anyone else that Miranda dated an over-eater, and he over-ate-her! That's all I could think about throughout that chapter.

-She joins Jenny Craig but stops after a few weeks because they only believe in eating special frozen meals. If you can't eat at a restaurant, she's not about to get on board.

-She begins her 100 pound weight-loss program with the Adkins diet. She figures the jump start will be exactly what she needs to get started. Turns out she can only go about three days without drinking alcohol or bread or potatoes or pasta. She never gets past the first two weeks, so she never makes it to phase two. Like me, she just loves food too much.

-She hates working out. But she hires a personal trainer (which Erin despises about her) and it totally makes over her life. I wish I could afford a personal trainer. I also wish I got paid to write about my working out and paid to go to the gym.

-She agrees that pretty matching outfits make working out much more fun.

In the end she is only down between 40 and 50 pounds and still has over 50 left to lose. But she's on the right track and that's what she wanted. She doesn't discuss how to get the last 15 pounds off your body though. That's what I need to know. I can only hope that there will be a sequel that will explain it all to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All good points. I too would like to hire a personal trainer, but they are way too expensive. Maybe then I'd go to the gym more than twice a week (on a good week)