my journey to becoming a runner

Monday, December 1, 2008

I Know, I Know

It has been a long time since my last post. Thanks for pointing that out! At least I know someone's reading what I have to say. So a little recap of my workouts last week:
Monday -- Kickboxing, BodyPower
Tuesday -- Hour of treadmill: attempted to run, stopped, walked hills
Wednesday -- Kickboxing, BodyPower
Thursday -- Early trip to the gym where I walked, and amt'ed for an hour.
Rest of the Weekend -- NOTHING

So here's a little recap of my eating last week:
Monday -- Perfect
Tuesday -- Perfect
Wednesday -- was so proud of myself for doing 2 hours of gym time when nobody else did, that I took myself out for Margaritas and the cheesiest nachos that I have ever had.
Thursday -- told myself I could eat anything I wanted (besides pie) because I had worked out. Didn't even miss the pie. Later in the evening I wanted chocolate, my mother didn't have any, so we made chocolate chip cookies. I think this was the first time I have made cookies (from scratch, not just cut and bake) in like 6 years. And the last time I was at Amy's house and she wouldn't let me eat the raw cookie dough (the best part). Something about salmonella or something. It was heaven. I like cookie dough better than anything else in the ENTIRE world!!!
Friday -- early morning shopping, but fine eating. Made turkey chili for the game, nobody noticed that the beef was missing. Enjoyed leftover pumpkin pie, without the crust!
Saturday -- more Christmas shopping, still craving chocolate, ate very-gooey-brownie instead of dinner (at Panera), then let myself have (unbuttered) popcorn at movie. A good trade off.
Sunday -- didn't eat much, but what I did eat was left-over junk food. Gotta get back on track. When was the last time I ate a vegetable? Besides potatoes? and green-bean casserole?

Tonight I am supposed to have two special friends at Kickboxing. Jennifer still can't go (her back/neck has been hurting her). But Brandy called to say that she would be joining me. And possibly my friend Sara. I love converting new people! I am mostly excited that I don't have to go alone again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! She's back! I'd just like to say that a recap of a whole bunch of days isn't as fun as regular updates.

Sorry I won't be there tonight - maybe I'll be able to come Wednesday...... we'll have to see.