my journey to becoming a runner

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Two Teeth = Four Pounds

Three days of little eating really does the trick. I weighed in four pounds lighter today than I did Monday morning before my dentist appointment. I wish that I knew that this weight loss was here to stay. Unfortunately it's probably all water-loss and will creep back up once I have a whole day of eating. The fact that I couldn't get through a whole kickboxing class and that I am feeling light headed and dizzy all around are obviously signs that I need to eat more (and more nutritious) things. Jennifer did feed me some soft potatoes and roast meat last night, so I am on my way back to healthy.

I have a long day of work today (eleven hours) and then I need to spend time this evening getting ready for a job interview I have tomorrow. It's for a great job that I am hardly qualified for, let alone have any chance of getting. But I really should take the interview more seriously. I also have to get up early tomorrow morning for a staff breakfast, which I will need to make/buy something for tonight. On top of all of that, I got very little sleep last night (five hours) which I need to make up for tonight. So I'll get off work at 8:00, stop by the grocery store and be home by 8:45, review some interview questions for an hour, and try to be in bed by 10:00. Sounds like a plan!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the interview. I'm sure you'll do great, even if someone else will probably get the job. I should probably have a real interview sometime just for the experience. I can't even talk myself up to my boss here who already thinks I'm great, let alone someone who doesn't know me at all. I'd surely fail. Anyway, I'll let you know if I think of any good questions before tomorrow!