my journey to becoming a runner

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Omaha Classes

I had a lot of fun in Omaha this weekend. We ate a great (free) meal at the Omaha Lazlo's. We sampled several holiday cookies that Jen had made (hello Oreo Ball)! We did a little shopping and mainly, we took two classes at her gym. This marks three Pump classes for me this week, and three kickboxing classes. It was great to actually take Combat again. The Omaha class just so happened to be the same set of songs that Katie used on Monday, so it was easy for me to realized that even though the class was only 15 minutes longer than the one we take in Lincoln, it's almost exactly the same. Here are the only differences: we don't spend the last song doing Tai Chi. If we're lucky we spend a little time doing sit-ups or push-ups, but sometimes we just do cardio through the end. We also skip the Mui Thai song, which is all blocking and breathing. There are also several places in songs when we do deep breathing in Combat; in kickboxing we just do more fast running or jump-ropping or mountain climbing. The final difference is that there is a break between each song in Combat. Since we only have 45 minutes we just do song after song after song and the only break we get is the one you take yourself, or if the instructor needs to change cds. So I don't feel bad for counting our Lincoln kickboxing class as a whole hour. If I wanted I could do deep breathing in the hallway before hand!

I am starting to feel sore today though. Almost like someone kicked me in the ribs. Since Combat has no physical contact, I can only guess that Jennifer must have kicked me in my sleep (we were sharing a double bed in Jen's guest room). I'm a little worried that as the day goes on I am going to feel even more sore. And I don't even want to think about tomorrow. I am going to make myself get to the gym today for some nice hill walking. Apparently Jen might want us to wear short dresses to her wedding, and that is going to mean a complete overhall of my calves as well as my upper-body. Time to start worrying more about that I guess!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree that our 45 minute kickboxing class is as good of a workout as the hour long combat class. That was good to know, because I felt like maybe we were wussing out and not even knowing it.

By the way - I most certainly did not kick you while we slept at Jen's. In fact, I'm not eve sure I moved at all that night. I want to make Oreo balls to take to Ryan's - we are bringing dessert so maybe I'll make a few different things.