my journey to becoming a runner

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Less Time Now

It's hard to believe that I have less time now that Christmas is over. The weeks leading up to Christmas were busy and filled with parties and programs and shopping, but now I am just crazy-busy and can't see the end. I have had to work the last 6 out of 7 days. Of course having Christmas off did me absolutely no good because I was with my family from the minute I woke up and got ready until midnight. I had to work the day after Christmas, and my aunt and uncle wanted to meet me for breakfast before I went to the library. So after going to bed at 1:00, I was up again at 7:00. I spent the whole day working, then we met Amy and her family for dinner and game playing. Again I was up until midnight... and again today I am back at the library. I have to celebrate Christmas with Jennifer sometime (maybe this evening). But my goal tonight is to get to the gym after work; get a really good workout in; get home and eat some dinner and do laundry and put my Christmas gifts away. Then tomorrow I will find myself at work again until 8:00pm. I am hoping to see Amy one more time before she heads back to Atlanta. So I am sure I will be busy tomorrow evening. Monday morning I have to go to Columbus to visit my dad for Christmas. I will spend two days there, before heading back Tuesday night to meet some girls from work for drinks. FINALLY, I have Wednesday off from work with nothing to do. Well, nothing if you consider that it is New Year's Eve and I have a party to get ready for. I want to make some yummy appetizers. I will want to get to the gym. And then I am driving up to Omaha to ring in 2009. I haven't even celebrated Christmas with Brandy and Elijah yet. When will I have time for me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You probably won't really have time for you until after your birthday, or at least it seems that way. But try to enjoy all the time spent with friends and family until then - remember how you don't like having nothing to do even more than you don't like being too busy.