my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, December 19, 2008

How Far Would You Go?

How far would you go to locate a Gold's Gym and take their free classes? I've been known to go all the way to California. So I definitely would travel 50 miles to Omaha. That is precisely what I am doing this weekend. Tonight I am heading up to Omaha to see my friend Jen. We'll have a nice little Christmas celebration: dinner out, maybe wine, lots of laughing. Then, I plan on spending the night, getting up bright and early, and going to two classes at her Gold's Gym (Combat and Pump). I am super-excited. I haven't take three kickboxing classes in a week -- ever. I haven't taken three weight lifting classes in months. And I am excited to take them with Jen; she never gets to have gym-friends. Plus, since she's my workout motivation, it would be good to see her in action. Maybe we'll even get to go out for bagels afterward. It's like a gym field trip, or a Christmas Miracle... and I can't wait!


Jen said...

Thanks for coming! It was so nice to have people to give weird looks too when I'm dying or can't understand certain instructors. I had so much fun! And I'm hurting a little bit today...

Anonymous said...

It was fun, even I agree. Seeing Tomas made me so glad he's not involved with my gym anymore. Anyway, even though he was there, it was fun!

Karrie said...

I didn't even mention Thomas. I agree... we never have to see his stupid face again if we don't want. You know, unless we visit Jen's classes with her again!