my journey to becoming a runner

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I suppose it was a mistake to go back to the gym and attempt to take two hours worth of classes having only eaten half of a burrito all day long. By the end of the kickboxing warm up I was almost dying; my heart was beating so fast I thought that it was going to jump out of my chest. About 30 minutes into the class I was so tired I had to stop in the middle of a song just to go get a drink. And around 35 minutes the room started spinning. So again I rested and got a drink and then did the next ten minutes at very low-impact, only punching, not jumping around. After class it was a little too easy to convince Jennifer that we should ditch BodyPower and call it a night. She hadn't been to class since the middle of November, and felt that she needed to ease herself into it as well. I really wish that I could have stayed to take the second class. But it's very difficult to do squats while your placing you head in between your knees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think it was bad that we skipped Pump last night. Although I am surprised, since you wanted to go to the gym the same day you had your teeth pulled. We both needed a slow start back into the classes. You because of the extraction and hardly eating, and me to make sure I wasn't going to do something to mess up my shoulder/neck. Now I am sure that we can do both classes next week - that is unless I have to do some Christmas thing on Monday or Wednesday night. In which case I really need to go shopping also.