my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Three Weeks Away

One of the drawbacks (perks?) of working for the public library is the fact that you always live three weeks ahead of time. At all times I know exactly what three weeks from today is. I spend my entire day letting people know that their items are due back in three weeks. And so often we feel like we live three weeks ahead. Long story short: my birthday is three weeks away. All day long I let people know that their books were due back on January 6th. It was quite hard for me not to finish up that sentence with your books are due the 6th of January... that's my birthday. But then I remember that I don't want my customers to know so much about me. Although if someone brought me cookies, I wouldn't complain!

To get to the point: I am three weeks away from turning 29. The big 2-9. The last year of my twenties. What do I want to get done in the next three weeks? Where do I want to be when I start the last year of my youth? What are my goals? And thinking even bigger: I want to make 29 a great year. So I want to come up with a list of goals to accomplish in my 29th year of life. What things do I want to have done by the time I am 30. Thirty years old. I think I need a minute...

Help me make a list!


Anonymous said...

Yikes! You made me feel old in that last part of this post. I like to live in denial about getting older. Or maybe I just don't see myself as being that close to the end of my youth. Anyway, you should just plan some rockin events for the birthday celebration week and all will be well. I'll let you know if I think of anything that should be on your list.

Karrie said...

"Have a rocking birthday party" is pretty much always on the list of things to do that year. These things need to be important...
Run a 10k?
Get a great hair cut.
Make a new friend.