my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, June 13, 2008

Oh Those Summer Nights

At the beginning of June, I had this plan to start a challenge among my friends. It was going to be called Save your Summer Nights. The idea was whoever could go to the gym the most times in the morning, thus leaving their evenings free, would win a prize. Then other people got involved in it and started making up all these rules. For example: Jennifer thought you should have to be at the gym before 9am, because she has to work then, and some of us actually don't. Others thought that anytime before 5pm would be saving your summer evenings. Jennifer claimed she wasn't going to tell me how many times she went in the morning (as if she actually thought that she would go without me) because then I would just go more. That is the exact point of a challenge: to inspire you to better yourself, but whatever! The challenge never took off. And as I mentioned on Wednesday, I wasn't successful in getting myself up early to go. I didn't go Thursday morning either (although it would have been past 9 anyway) and we all remember that I didn't make it last Friday at 6am for Pump, because I was up so late returning Jennifer to Lincoln. But this morning: I got my first point! I was up by 6:45 and at the gym by 7:15, where I stayed for an hour walking and riding a bike. Even if I am only competing against myself... at least I am winning!


Anonymous said...

Only you would make a challenge where there isn't really any competition, but you can still be a winner this way!

BrandyGirl said...

If the boys in my house weren't "scandalous" I'd be there at 5:30/6am. (Or maybe that's just a nice built in excuse ;)
Hey, Boston plays in KC for a 3day series Mon Aug 4th thru Wed Aug 6at 7:10pm each night. When can we all go? What a fun trip right before the HS Reunion!

Jen said...

Most of my trips to the gym occur at 8 am, but I suppose since I'm not there to enjoy summer nights with you guys, I don't really count in the challenge. Oh well!