my journey to becoming a runner

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Bottomless Pit

Yesterday I ate non-stop and here is why. I do best when I eat breakfast (200 calories), lunch (400 calories) a snack on my break (100 calories) and dinner (500 calories). And if I can maintain that schedule and consistency I am fine. I have trouble when my schedule is out of whack and I just graze all day. So yesterday I had to work from 9-2 and 6-9. I was hungry way before it was lunch time, so I had a delicious brownie (thanks Erin!) on my morning break. Then I had nothing to eat at my house when I got home so I ate some chips. Then I took a nap. I am dog-sitting this week so I had to run over to my mom's to let the dog out before I went back to work. There I discovered home-made cookies. I ate six!!!! Why would my mother bake cookies and then leave them for me on the counter? Because she wants me to be fat, that's why! Then I went back to work, where I was crazy-busy hosting a rock concert. But when I went back to my mom's house after work I was starving; I hadn't eaten a real meal all day. So I made myself hot dogs (that's the kind of thing my mom has around her house). Although, without the bun, hot dogs aren't that bad for you. But don't think that the cookies didn't call to me some more... and I answered that call. I didn't even have enough energy to take the dog for a 2-mile walk, which is where I planned on getting my workout in.

I have also been away from my scale for the last two days and although it might be liberating it is also driving me crazy. Tomorrow is my weigh-in (I will be back at my house in the morning, although probably not until after I workout and drink a ton of water, so that might be thrown off.) Not knowing where I stand the days before my weigh-in are killing me. How do I know how that cookie binge effected my weight? Am I drinking enough water? Mostly the scale just reassures me that I am doing just fine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs cookies sometime, so don't worry too much about it. Maybe your weigh in will be really good this week anyway, and if not it may be because of the wrong time of day or something. Just keep it up!