my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Okay so it might be a bad idea to go to BodyPump and then Combat right afterward and then go right back to Pump the next day. My upper body is so sore. My upper back and shoulders don't want to do anything. And I tell myself that this is a good thing because it means that I worked hard and maybe they'll get strong from this. But really it probably means I over worked them.

Yesterday I also took a 30 minute bike ride down to the bike repair shop and back. For a belated birthday present I got Jennifer's bike fixed for her. It was a surprise while she was out of town, and she didn't know about it until today. So although my legs don't hurt from that, my bike-saddle-area sure does. No matter how much padding you get on a bike seat it doesn't seem to do any good. I was kind of hoping to take a bike ride with her this evening, now that her bike actually works. But we were too tired after we went to BodyPump. Jennifer hasn't been for half a month, so her legs were really tired. And as I mentioned, I am just pure soreness.

My goal for summer was to go to the gym on Wednesday and Friday mornings early, before work, to save my summer evenings for more enjoyable activities. I should probably start that goal tomorrow, seeing as summer has been around for eleven days. But now it's 11:40 and I would have to get up by 6:40. That's not going to seem too exciting. But I have my window and blinds open so sunshine should be greeting me when the alarm goes off at 6:30. That's my only hope. I should reward myself with something if I make it... thinking... thinking... more sleep, that is all I'll want!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you make it??? I'll be up for mornings starting Friday. I think that's the only way I'll ever get to the gym except for a class - I obviously don't go to the gym in the evenings. Are we still on for a bike ride tonight??? My legs are sore today, but not too horrible - besides, using them would probably be good for them.