my journey to becoming a runner

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ab-solutely Not

After 2.5 hours of gym time on Monday I felt like a train had rolled over me on Tuesday. Every muscle in my body hurt. But my abs were on fire. You don't realize how much you use your ab muscles until the pain is so excruciating that you decide okay, I don't really need to take a deep breath anymore. It hurts to cough, eat, twist, roll over in bed and walk. So you can imagine how much it hurt to run. But I don't even think that was the reason I failed.

Yesterday's Running Goal: 3 miles in 35 minutes
Accomplished: 3 miles in something like 43 minutes
I have a million excuses. 1) See the above muscle ache complaint. 2) I tripped over something that a customer had left on the floor and my foot really hurt. 3) I forgot how much harder it is to run while watching TV rather than listening to music. 4) I forgot how much more difficult it is to run on a treadmill. 5) I hit the wrong thing on my Ipod about half way through and it stopped timing me. So I didn't know exactly how far I had run or how long it had taken me. 6) I haven't run three miles since early August. 7) I haven't run three miles faster than 5mph since July. So trying to run three miles all of a sudden at 11:40 minute miles was near impossible. The first mile went alright, but then I just sort of fell apart. I took a drink break. Ran a little more. Then I let myself walk a little. Ran a little more. Decided to just finish with uphill walking.

Now I am pretty sure I won't be running ten-minute-miles in four weeks. So do I re-evaluate my training plan and aim for 11 minute miles. But I probably need a week to get into running again, before I load all of this on. I also need someone to push me. I wonder what Brandy is up to. She's training for the Omaha half Marathon right now, but after that is over next Sunday, she might be needing a few 'slow' three mile runs!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, it's ok if you don't start out where you wanted to be. Just keep working and you'll improve. You could eliminate some of those problems pretty easily, and the rest will hopefully just get easier. Don't give up.