my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, July 31, 2009

Starvation vs. Victory

Tomorrow is my final chance to reach my goal weight and win the challenge against Curtis. I was pretty sure all week that there was no way I would be able to achieve this goal. But as of this morning I was down two 3.5 pounds left. This is a new low for me, and totally unexpected. I have all day today and all day tomorrow (until 9pm) to make that weight appear on my scale. So now I am contemplating starvation. By no means do I think that this is a real way to lose weight permanently. I understand that this is the stupidest thing you can do for your body. But it would only be for a day, and I could win! On the other hand, it would make today and possibly tomorrow morning pretty unbearable and wouldn't I like to say that I lost every pound the slow and simple way? The strangest thing about this weigh-in is that I have eaten poorly this week. I have only worked out for one hour. Perhaps I have begun losing muscle mass. Or maybe I just don't eat quite as much if I don't have to fuel a 1000 calorie-burning session twice a week, and three runs.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Avoid salt all day if possible. Just eat as healthy as possible, fruits and veggies and some lean meat. That way you can prevent any water retention that will add on any extra weight (or keep the other weight from disappearing!). Way to go! I hope you win!