my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

One More Day Off

I went to Kickboxing last night but had to leave about half way through. It was just too hot; I was just too sick; and the room was just too spin-y. So I went to the locker room and sat for a while. Then I was ready for BodyPower, which I did light, but still finished. I have perfected the tricep squeeze, where I use lower weight but squeeze my triceps after every repetition, therefore making my muscles sore the next day without having to increase my weights. I am a little soreall over today just because I hadn't been for a week. We actually did different squats last night than ever before. It's a move she got from the kickboxing class where we lunge for a bit and then switch to a side-lunge. That may be why my inner-thigh hurts a bit more than normal.

My goal was to do some running at the gym tonight. But I hardly got any sleep (5 hours), woke up still not feeling well, and it was a long day at work. So I am letting myself take one more day off to recuperate. I hate being sick. Since I don't get ill very often I forget how long it takes to get better. I have been sick for a week now. I still only feel about 70%. So I will take it easy tonight and attempt kickboxing and bodypower again tomorrow. Hopefully I can make it all the way through. Hopefully I am at 100% by tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Whatever seems to be going around I think is hanging on real hard. Everyone at my work has been sick and they have been taking a while to get over it. Luckily, I haven't been hit yet! Slow and steady and you'll be back in the game before no time!