my journey to becoming a runner

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Groundhog saw my scale

Immediately after I got off the scale last week, my weight went up two pounds. So I spent the whole week just attempting to get back to where I started. Unfortunately it never panned out. I gained a pound this week, pushing me back up to 21 pounds. It's frustrating, but I had a feeling after two excellent weigh-ins back to back. I'm sure the Super-Bowl eating didn't help, but it didn't hurt either. I'm proud of that.

You know what does hurt? I am trying out these new recipes right? And even if I try to make them healthy they are never as good for your as cereal, or grilled chicken. And I always have left overs that I eat for three days. Often I don't know how many calories are in each dish. It's a battle to try to stick to a certain calorie count when three days of my week are arbitrary guesses. And that's not even when I eat out!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you didn't post this until Tuesday - don't think I don't keep track!

You could try making soups - they are probably naturally lower in calories, as long as they're broth based, not cream. And who doesn't like soup with this kind of weather?