my journey to becoming a runner

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Streak is Over

I was just commenting to Jennifer last week that I haven't been sick since we got back from California last January. Over a year ago! I credit it to living a healthy lifestyle, getting plenty of sleep, eating well and working out a ton. Then Tuesday morning I woke up not feeling so well. By Tuesday evening I was completely dragging, and by Wednesday morning I was full-out sick. As you can imagine this has cut-down on my working out. I wasn't able to take classes on Wednesday evening, I didn't make it for a run on Tuesday night, I won't be going to the gym at all on Thursday, and Friday and Saturday were already looking bleak due to the fact that I have to work both days and have plans in the evening. So it looks like Sunday will be the next day I am able to make it to the gym. I hate this! The good news is, I'm not very hungry, and my scale was down four pounds this morning! Also, hopefully I won't be sick for another year now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this cold was a killer. I'm finally starting to feel better - although I still have a cough every once in a while, and sort of a headache - but not as bad as yesterday. And there's still some crap draining down my throat. So apparently it will take more than a week to completely get over it.