my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, February 20, 2009

Another Productive Week

I have been very busy this week. I started off the week with a Monday holiday which is always fun, by painting my spare guest room. It is now a wonderful shade of dark grey (often times seen as blue). I managed to sneak in two hours of gym time as well, making it to kickboxing and BodyPower. Although I knew I would be sore from painting, I insisted I keep my weights high. No use even going if I am going to half-ass it. Tuesday I also had the day off, which was great. I made it to the gym in the morning and attempted to run four miles, no matter how slowly I went. I let myself stop for a drink break at two miles and just couldn't start again. I know it is all mental, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around running the better part of an hour. Perhaps once it is nicer and I can do some outdoor workouts it will feel easier. Wednesday I went back for two very difficult classes at Goodyear and again kept my weights high no matter how exhausted I was. I have been trying to add weight to my biceps and it just never gets easier, but I am still working on it. We attempted lunges with our back foot on the bench on Wednesday; that was an interesting new twist to the lunge track. I like that Marika is trying to keep things interesting and I am reminded how I should try to do more lunges at home. Speaking of doing things at home: I was able to do two top-half-real-man push-ups on Wednesday afternoon at work. I was super-impressed with myself, seeing as I couldn't do any just last week. Now I am going to try to do full (top and bottom) push-ups and work on adding more than two.

Besides painting my room, I traveled to Omaha on Tuesday night to order a bridesmaids dress for Jen's wedding; ate a whole bunch of calories at a Mexican restaurant. On Thursday I had a busy day going to the eye doctor, getting contacts, having a really difficult time getting them in and out, thus leaving my eyes to feel like they were watery and burning all day. I also took my Teen Advisory Board on a field trip to Barnes and Noble where I made sure to get a light Frappachino, without the whipped cream, even though they were all eating yummier stuff. I began a six night dog-sitting stint last night, with hopes of taking the dog on a long walk. But with the burning eyes and long day, I went to bed early instead. One more day of work and then another weekend. Yeah! Hopefully it will be good enough weather that the Pup and I can spend some time outside wearing her out and working me out.


Jen said...

That was a busy week because it exhausted me just reading about it! You'll have to let me know how the contacts work out for you because I'm thinking of trying them out. I know I asked Jennifer Tuesday night about the cost but I blurred the memory out and can't recall what she said about them....

Anonymous said...

I think they cost me like $100 for a year's worth, which will last me probably 2.5 years because I wear them much longer than 2 weeks. I ordered mine from 1-800-Contacts. When Karrie went to get hers, they said mine are pretty much the cheapest kind apparently. Anyway - Karrie, I'm sure you will get used to them - be sure to ask any questions when you go in on Thursday!