my journey to becoming a runner

Monday, August 31, 2009

Falling Weight Ahead

I knew that I had a bad weekend, and hadn't been doing a lot of healthy things for myself. So I was prepared when I got on the scale this morning at it read: 13 pounds to lose. I wasn't happy about it, but I was okay with it. Now I just need to get back on track. I am committed to limiting my calories, working out a ton, and getting these last thirteen pounds off of my body. I am going to Kickboxing and BodyPower this evening; that will be a great start to the week. Unfortunately, I am dog-sitting this week, which never helps me plan my meals, or assures my healthy eating habits. Also, I am going to the State Fair on Tuesday and have promised myself a corn dog. But one corn dog won't derail my work. It's four weeks of chaos that does that!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

way to get back on track - I know you can do it!