my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Power of Erin and my Corolla

Remember less than 24 hours ago when I updated my blog with how healthy I had eaten on Thursday and how I had hoped to get up early and workout on Friday. Oh how things change. Yesterday was a long day at work. First my boss called in sick, which left some of us to work several hours alone during the day (nobody's favorite way to spend the day). My new leaf of eating healthy had left me starving by 7:00, so when Erin suggested we go get Margaritas after work, it was impossible to say no. She claims she doesn't want to be blamed for it, but it was all her fault. She has to know I have no willpower.

Then this morning I woke up with a cold. My head feels like it is going to explode. My eyes are burning and my ears are plugged. It's hard to work all day like this, although not impossible (someone should inform my boss). So I didn't get up and work out. For lunch I really needed a soda -- if Tylenol Cold and Sinus doesn't fix you, Diet Pepsi will! So instead of heading home to eat something healthy I went to Subway. The parking lot was so full I couldn't even get in the driveway. I was in no mood to put up with congestion and long lines. Next thing I know my car is taking me to McDonald's. It seemed to think that French fries would perk up the rest of my day. It was right; it knows me so well. Tomorrow I will start eating better. I promise!

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