my journey to becoming a runner

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Turning Corners

The most stressful part of my nine pound weight gain was that I didn't eat anything super-un-healthy. I just didn't watch was I was eating. I did make a cake and cookies once, but I shared them with a lot of people. I did celebrate Jen's Bachelorette Party with a lot of eating and drinking, but that was only one night. Besides that I ate as usual. And I worked out a little less. But it scares me that I can gain weight that fast without even trying. I like to think I could eat chips and cookies for every meal if I wanted to gain four pounds a week. Mathematically speaking, in order to gain four pounds, I would have to eat an extra 2000 calories a day (more than twice what I am "allowed" to eat.) I don't know, maybe that's possible with cake around my house. But doubtful.

But enough about that. I got back on track last night with Kickboxing and BodyPower. Kickboxing was hard and intense, and I sweat a lot. I went high on all my weights in BodyPower and even considered adding a little to my chest, back and shoulders. I think that adding smalls to the bars and taking them off at break time is the way to go. I had plans to eat out with Jennifer and we tried to keep it (relatively) healthy. I even took Hannah on a short walk while I was waiting for Jennifer to come to my mom's side of town (did I mention that I was dog-sitting). I had hoped to wake up early this morning and take her for a long walk again, but we slept in instead. I have eaten healthy today again and will again for dinner. I feel like I have turned a corner and am back on track. Now I just need to get back into some sort of running routine and figure out this thing with my knee.

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